starSpot Pescanova, Navidad 2020

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Spot Pescanova, Navidad 2020
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Pescanova's 2020 Christmas commercial. Bigote / moustache refers to the Rodolfos prawns sold by Pescanova, which have the moustache (the hairs) by which everyone in the ad is holding them. Everyone doing something together refers in part to the tradition of eating prawns for the New Year celebrations, and also to the song "Un año más" by Mecano (1988), which contains this reference, and which is a popular song around the New Year.

The lines that are in quotes are lines from the song. Here's the song being performed by Mecano in 1988:
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Ahora tus Video Recetas de pescado con explicaciones paso a paso.
Prepara recetas de merluza, bacalao, salmón, langotinos...sabrosas, sencillas y sorprendentes.
Pescanova, tu mejor aliado en la cocina.

Para encontrar estas y muchísimas mas recetas, trucos, consejos sorteos y promociones visita la web

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