starJuguettos (TV ad, Christmas 2020)

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Category Advertising
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Juguettos (TV ad, Christmas 2020)
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A TV commercial for Spanish toy company, Juguettos, with lots of references to the year we've all lived in lockdown in 2020 (from a Spanish perspective).

Note the COVID references:
• The children hear dad always talking about having to make a "call", as he's working from home, but they hear "col" (i.e. cabbage).
• Simón has to be a reference to Fernando Simón, Spanish epidemiologist and the face of COVID for many months during the pandemic in Spain. Much of the political right in Spain turned against him as a representative of the left wing govt (even though Simón was originally appointed to his post by the previous right wing PP govt), and there's a reference to mum and dad maybe not paying attention to his advice.
• Mum is always having to put out fires (i.e. resolve disputes), I imagine, because they've spent so much time living on top of one another during the "confinamiento".
• And they need Twister to learn where to put their hands, as I imagine they'll have been told many times during 2020 where they can and can't put their hands.

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