On s'envole pour Penang (Hélène se promène)
Video language | |
L1 / Translation | |
Level | Intermediate |
Category | Other |
Resource Type | Transcript |
"Hélène se promène" YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY4GGvdC-zwlD9RA2esmXmA
"Hélène se promène" website: https://www.helenesepromene.com/
Wandering French
I'm a French teacher with over 20 years of experience, and I create these videos to provide French comprehensible input for my students and other learners around the world. I aim to provide content that's easy to understand, and I add French and English subtitles to all my videos. According to Dr. Krashen's theory of second language acquisition, if you listen to stuff that's easy enough and interesting for you, it allows you to learn French in a fun and effective way.
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► FRENCH LEARNING MATERIALS: https://www.wanderingfrench.com
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